Goal of the Game
The goal of the single player is quite simple. Conquer the starfield!
You can reach this, by defeating all other players.
How to create a game
Each game needs someone, called gamemaster, who builds up the play field. This person fills the leften textfield and presses
create new game. Next the gamemaster checks the distribution of the home planets. They are marked red.
If the gamemaster likes the field, he can open the game. Now wait until the game is full.
Warning! Everyone can be a gamemaster, but think: a game should make fun, so please be fair.
How to join a game
Pretty simple: Fill in your nickname, press search open games. Now select one of the open games and press
enter game. The game will start, when the playercount is reached.
How to play
- There are unconquered planets. They produce anything, but they have a protecting fleet(population) in orbit.
- Conquered planets procude an amount of ships(units) per round(increase population).
- You conquer planets by sending them from your planet to a target.
- You send ships by click twice with left mouse button. The first click selects the source, the second click selects the target. Fill out the form.
- You deselect you current source, by sending 0 ships. (sorry, game is still not complete ;-) )
- You can get info by moving your mouse pointer over a planet. You won't get every info from enemy planets.
- You will capture a planet, if you have the biggest number of ships(population) there.
- This implementation is a rework of chalaxy.
- I used xajax as ajax toolkit.
- Because it's ajax, don't hurry with the application.
- The game will hang, if someone does not finish it's turns.
- Colors, comfort, design, source will come probably.
Have fun,